WILLYS CHAPTER 5 VERSE 46 (A PROPHECY) AND THE BOOK OF MO'HORSES this is what happens when fellow willys techers have way too much time on there hands.it is all ment in fun for our amusement.
LawsonJJ@nswccd.navy.mil wrote: I have just picked up a 231 Buick motor,Free to a good home) and was wondering what kind of motor mounts I will need,(does anyone sell them) or do I make my own and what kind of automatic will work with this motor. This changeover is in a two wheel drive 48 truck. Landen Schooler replyed; Beware! the storm clouds with lightning bolts are gathering, to be hurled down by the hands of the Willys gods!!vern heywood wrote; Gee whiz Reverend Landen, I've been waiting for years for the Willys Gods to catch up with me as you have prophesized. I guess they just can't keep up with us guys with the V-8s in order to enforce this wrath. Maybe THEY should consider an engine swap. and Landen replyed;Ah, Thousts time wilt come, now....or the hereafter....Landen Schooler Palmyra, Iowa aaron cary replyed: you're profecy might be closer than you know. last nite my V8 powered, coil suspeneded willys blew up. more specificily, the engine blew up. maybe i should've kept the ol 226....
WILLYS CHAPTER 5 verse 46-a prophecy
46. And the Willys gods spake to Landen, saying: "There is no longer any good in the land. Lo, too many wagons and trucks and universals have been mercilessly hacked by their PO's. A great flood of gear oil and knuckle pudding will soon wipe out the land, and put all the poor Willys out of their misery." 47. And Landen spake, saying: "O, Great ones, not all Willys have been slaughtered so mercilessly. Look, I have a wagon, with the original L6-226, and it is good! And Bob keeps track of all the 230 OHC's, and they are good. And plus, I have lots of Oliver tractors!" 48. And the Gods spake, and said: "O Landen, keeper of the faith, build thee a garage, 134 cubits by 226 cubits, sealed against moisture and heated. For in a few days, oil and gasoline and kerosine and Kleen-Strip and knuckle pudding and metal eating moths shall rain down upon the land, immolating and rusting the unholy and defiled Willys. 49. "And take the holy wagons, two by two, L4-134 and F4-134, L6-226 and 230 OHC, 2 and 4WD, Maverick and Parkway, and park them in the garage. Likewise, park the pickup trucks next to them. 50. "And take seven of each CJ and MB and M38 and M38A1, and likewise park them in the garage and keep them well lubricated and fueled, for the day of wrath cometh." 50- 1/2. "Likewise, take all the extra parts, and store them in boxes and barrels and back seats, for they too shall be needed, though we know not when. And rack up thy willys points with thy wife, for they also shalt be needed." 51. And the wrath of the Willys gods came down, destroying all the deformed and overpowered V8 Willys and putting them out of their misery. 52. And when the oil had leaked out of all the knuckle seals of the land, and subsided, the garage doors were opened and a green CJ-2a sent out with a pto winch and an overdrive and two kids and a dog in the back seat to find a dairy queen. And when it did not come back, Landen knew it had found a good home, and it was very good. 53. And Landen built an alter out of GM pistons and connecting rods to the Willys gods, and a rainbow shown across the land, and it was good. 54. And then the Kaiser gods bought out the Willys gods, and it was mediocre for a while until the AMC demons came along and then it just plain sucked. Josiah Bartlett, Prophet A reprobate '55 CJ5, with a 225 V6
AUSSIEROB ADDED; WHAT, WHAT... WHAT THE DEVIL IS GOING ON HERE ? Oh Willy ! Have mercy upon us... For we are only thy tired, downtrodden, humble restoration servants? Cheers to the Rev. Josiah A good analogy.... TIM LANKINS ADDED; Oh Willy's Lord I pray on bended Knees that you show mercy on those who do only ( Ok Mostly ) Minor Modifications Leaving the L134 heart unharmed . Show mercy on our beloved and raised CJs and divert thy plague of metal eating moths so that we may wheel in Thy Name. AMEN Thy Humble (Its Hard to Be Humble in a 2A with 33X10.50s and 4"lift) Servant Tim Lankins
the book of MO`HORSES (by vern heywood)
The Book of Mo'horses And Mo'horses shouted unto the evil pharaoh, "LET MY WILLYS GO!" For the evil Pharaoh had commanded that the first repowered Willys of each household be destroyed. But nay, the good Mo'horses instructed the owners of these good Willys to put the mark of the V-8 on their hood so that the angel of death would pass them over. And Mo'horses cried there is already lists of intolerance and hatred let not this one become as the others. Let it be a free forum for sharing ideas and judge not lest ye be judged. And Mo' Horses led the freed Willys with their new and improved drive trains into the desert where they went 4-wheeling, camping and sharing such revelry with stock Willys that they lost track of time and did not return for 40 years! (Except for the purists who were holed up in a garage with a lot of restored vehicles that they prized too much to get dusty and were sent to hell for the most evil of sins...vanity.) |OIIIIO| (O==O) |O::::O| |OIIIIO| (O==O) |O::::O| |OIIIIO| (O==O) |O::::O| Vern Heywood - Corona, CA http://www.explorex4.com/TheHeywoods
A "Brief" History of Jeeps (from CJ's to ZJ's) - "Jeep...There's only one." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: I have tried to make this history as complete as possible, without going into too much detail about the individual models, also, I have organized it more by model, than by chronological order, so the years may skip around some. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed researching it! And now for a little (actually, a lot of) Jeep history and trivia: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...and it was good. In 1940 Karl Probst created the Jeep, and it rocked! This is the story of how the legendary Jeep came to be...and how it has come to be what it is today... By 1939 the US military needed a new, universal vehicle to replace the motorcycle and its other vehicles (such as the modified Ford Model-T), so they invited 135 different car companies to compete for a contract to build a new vehicle for the military. The vehicle had to meet certain specs, such as a payload capacity of 600lbs, a wheelbase under 75 inches, a fold-down windshield, a gross vehicle weight of under 1200lbs, and it must be four-wheel drive. Only three companies entered, Bantam, Willy-Overland, and Ford. Bantam enlisted the help of Karl Probst, and in 1940 was the first to produce a working prototype for the military, dubbed the Bantam Blitzbuggy and "Old Number One". Willy's-Overland and Ford soon followed with their own prototypes, the Willys Quad and the Ford Pygmy, which were basically knock-offs of the Bantam car. Willys eventually won the contract because of their 60hp "Go-Devil" engine, but Ford was also given a contract to help keep up with the military's demand for the vehicles for use in WWII. Willys later renamed their jeeps the MA and the MB, while Ford called theirs the GP and GPW. Many believe, as I do, that the Jeep won the war for the Allies. As for the name 'Jeep', no one really knows for sure where it came from. Some people believe that it evolved from the Ford 'GP' designation, which many think stood for 'general purpose', which is incorrect. The "G" was for Government and the "P" was the vehicle class (80" wheelbase 4x4 ¼ ton truck). Another possibility is that the name came from Popeye's magical sidekick named jeep, who could do almost anything. For a more in-depth look at the origins of the Jeep, click on over to The Jeep, a Real American Hero. In 1942 Ford built a limited number of amphibious Jeeps, known as the Seep. This little vehicle was basically an MB with a boat tub on the bottom (with cutouts for the wheels) and a PTO propeller. Seeps were not the most seaworthy things in the world, but one highly modified Seep, called "Half-Safe," did manage cross the Atlantic in 1950 and then continued on to circumnavigate the globe. The CJ series began back in 1945 with the CJ2A. The name CJ stands for "Civilian Jeep," a bit of trivia that is still argued over. Next came the CJ3A's, and the CJ3B's which were produced until 1968. These early Jeeps are commonly referred to as "flatfenders" because their front fenders were flat across the front, even with the grill. Yes, there was such a thing as a CJ-4, and in true Jeep form, there is only one, literally. There is only one 1951 CJ-4 prototype in existence, it's the "missing link" between the flatfendered CJ-2's and 3' and the round-fendered CJ-5. The CJ-5 came about in 1954 as a civilian version of the military's M-38A1 which came out in 1952. The CJ-5 stayed in production for almost 30 years, longer than any other Jeep model, and was taken out of production in 1983. During the time of the CJ-5 there was also a military and civilian CJ-6 which had a 101" wheelbase and later a 104" wheelbase, but it had a limited predication and was later replaced by the CJ-7. The CJ-7, one of the most popular of the Jeeps, started its 10 year run in 1976. The CJ-7 has a longer wheelbase than the CJ-5 to accommodate an optional automatic transmission. Between 1981 and 1986 Jeep made a long-wheel based CJ-8 called the Scrambler, which was basically a pick-up truck version of the CJ-7. In 1987 the CJ-7 was replaced with the square headlighted YJ, more commonly known as the Wrangler. Like its predecessor, the Wrangler was redesigned after 10 years. The new Wrangler (now called the TJ) features the classic and much loved round headlights, dual airbags, a redesigned "90's interior", and an all-new Quadra-Coil suspension instead of leaf-springs. Interesting how much TJ sounds like CJ... In 1956 Jeep began making the 2WD Postal/Dispatch Jeep (DJ). The DJ-3A was the first Postal Jeep and was a flat fender Jeep similar to the CJ-3A, except it was two wheel drive. The DJ-3A was produced from 1956 until 1965. In 1965 the DJ-5, which is the postal Jeep most people are familiar with today, was introduced. Jeep also produced a long-wheelbased version from 1965 until 1968, called the DJ-6. The DJ-5 was made by Jeep into the early 70s and production was continued under AM General. The Postal Jeep Page has some great info on DJ's. From 1948 to 1950 Willys produced a 2-door "car" version of the Jeep, called the Willys "VJ" Jeepster. These were really cool looking cars, but with only 72hp, 2WD, and not much publicity, they didn't sell well...too bad. In 1966, Jeep, now onwed by Kaiser, debuted the Jeepster Commando to compete with the Bronco and Land Cruiser. The Jeepster Commando was available in three models: a convertible, pickup truck, and as a wagon (like the Jeepster, this was a really cool looking vehicle in my opinion). The (Kaiser) Jeepster Commando stayed in production until 1969. In 1970 AMC bought Jeep from Kaiser, and then in 1972 AMC shortened the name to just Commando and changed the grill design to look more like that of a Bronco, but it didn't catch on. The Jeep Commando was taken out of production in 1973. Check out The American Jeepster Club for more on these cool Jeep spin-offs. In 1946 Willys began making the Willys Wagon and in 1947 came out with the Willys Pickup The wagon was available as a station wagon and also as a panel-side delivery truck. Both the wagon and pickup truck were made until 1965. Jeep debuted the FC-series trucks in 1956. These trucks featured a cab-over-engine design. The FC-150 came out first and had a 78" bed and an 81" wheelbase. The FC-170 came out in 1957 and had a 108" bed and a 103" wheelbase. The FC-170 was also available in a 1-ton dually model (the FC-170DRW) that had a 10' flatbed. Other bodies were available for the FC-170DRW, such as dumptrucks and fire-engines. The FC trucks remained in production until 1964. Ahh, the Cherokee. The "Cherokee" line began in 1962 when Jeep introduced the Wagoneer as a '63 model, but it could be argued that it really began in the late 1940's with the Willy's Jeep Wagon chic was still in production at the time (an ad for the Willy's Wagon once called it a "utility vehicle" for the family). The Wagoneer was a full-size vehicle with the SJ designation. The Cherokee name would not come about until 1973/1974 when a sportier 2-door version of the Wagoneer was made and given the name Cherokee Chief (a 4-door version of the Cherokee was available by 1977). By 1975 the Cherokee was offered in 2 body styles: 1) the Cherokee Chief Wide-Track which had a 3-inch wider axle and fender flares, 2) the Cherokee with normal size axles and no fender flares, and by 1976/1977 the Cherokee also came in a 4-door model. The Jeep Wagoneer/Cherokee line was the first vehicle of its kind to offer full-time 4WD and an automatic transmission. The full-size Wagoneer was in production until 1991. And a luxo version called the Grand Wagoneer was made from 1984-1991. In 1984 the current Cherokee (XJ series) was debuted to compete in the growing market for "compact" SUV's. This "new" Cherokee was quite a bit smaller than the senior Wagoneer/Cherokee and featured a unibody frame as opposed to the traditional body-on-frame style. Until atleast 1988 the Cherokee was the only compact SUV to offer a 4-door model (which incidentally is the reason my dad bought his '88 Chief, the Jeep that got me hooked). The XJ was originally offered with the choice of a 2.5L 4-cyl engine or a 2.8L V6 made by GM. The famous Jeep 4.0L I-6 engine would not make it into production until 1987. In 1991 Jeep came out with their "HO" (high-output) version of the 4.0L engine. Aside from minor trim changes, the XJ remained basically unchanged until 1995 when it got a driver's side airbag. In 1997 the Cherokee got a totally new dash with dual airbags, new door trim, a slightly rounder front fascia, and a new steel liftgate, along with a bunch of other minor improvements. Pickup truck versions (for civilian and military use) of the full-size Wagoneer/Cherokee, called the Gladiator, J-10, and J-20, were produced from 1963 to 1987. From 1969 to 1969 Jeep produced the M715, a 1-1/4 ton militarized J-Series utility truck. While it was made for only three, it saw a lot of service in that time mostly overseas. A pickup version of the downsized Cherokee, called the Comanche (MJ) was also produced until 1992. The Grand Cherokee (the ZJ series) was introduced in 1993 to replace the Wagoneer as a mid-sized luxury SUV (a luxury SUV that many companies would rush to imitate). The Grand Cherokee was the first Jeep to have the new Quadra-Coil suspension (now found on the TJ), the revised Quadra-Trac 4wd system, 4-wheel disc brakes, and an airbag. The ZJ also had 2 available V8's: the 318 5.2L and the rare 360 5.9L. The ZJ had its "big" redesign (and only redesign) in 1996 -- the most noticeable changes a new front fascia and new wheels. In 1999 the Grand Cherokee saw a complete redesign from the ground up and was redesignated the "WJ". The WJ is bigger and more powerful than its predecessor, and has a 3-link rear suspension and improved steering geometry for better ride and handling. The WJ also features Jeep's new Quadra-Drive 4wd system with Vari-Lok axles and the new Quadra-Trac II system. The Jeep V8 also got redesigned and is now a 4.7L PowerTech putting out 235hp and 295 lb-ft of torque. As for the company/manufacturer itself, it's changed hands three times (four now, depending on how you count). In 1953 Kaiser took over Willys-Overland to form Kaiser-Jeep (the name didn't change to Kaiser- Jeep until 1963), in 1970 American Motors Corporation (AMC) took over Kaiser-Jeep, and in 1987 Chrysler bought AMC. Chrysler has now merged with Mercedes to create the Daimler-Chrysler Corporation. "DC" still owns Jeep... As one avid reader pointed out, it is AMC that was responsible for the CJ-7, the Wrangler, the downsized Cherokee/Wagoneer, the incredible 4.0L straight-six engine, Quadra-Trac and Selec-Trac, the CJ-8 Scrambler, most of the Grand Cherokee's design (it was being worked on as early as 1985), and the fact that Jeep still survives today, as under the faulty management of Kaiser, the company surely would have gone out of business in the early 70's. But, it was Jeep that later kept AMC in business in the late 70's and early 80's. Now you too can amaze your friends and fellow Jeepers with your wealth of knowledge on Jeep History............. written by;jason west(used with his permission)
HAMMER: Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a kind of divining rod to locate expensive parts not far from the object we are trying to hit. MECHANIC'S KNIFE: Used to open and slice through the contents of cardboard cartons delivered to your front door; works particularly well on boxes containing seats and motorcycle jackets. ELECTRIC HAND DRILL: Normally used for spinning steel pop rivets in their holes until you die of old age, but it also works great for drilling mounting holes in fenders just above the brake line that goes to the rear wheel. PLIERS: Used to round off bolt heads. HACKSAW: One of a family of cutting tools built on the Ouija board Principle. It transforms human energy into a crooked, unpredictable motion, and the more you attempt to influence its' course, the more dismal your future becomes. VICE-GRIPS: Used to round off bolt heads. If nothing else is available, they can also be used to transfer intense welding heat to the palm of your hand. OXYACETYLENE TORCH: Used almost entirely for setting various flammable objects in your garage on fire. Also handy for igniting the grease inside a brake drum you're trying to get the bearing race out of. DRILL PRESS: A tall upright machine useful for suddenly snatching flat metal bar stock out of your hands so that it smacks you in the chest and flings your beer across the room, splattering it against that freshly painted part you were drying. WIRE WHEEL: Cleans rust off old bolts and then throws them somewhere under the workbench with the speed of light. Also removes fingerprint whorls and hard-earned guitar calluses in about the time it takes you to say "Ouch....." HYDRAULIC FLOOR JACK: Used for lowering a vehicle to the ground after you have installed your new front disk brake setup, trapping the jack handle firmly under the front fender. EIGHT-FOOT LONG DOUGLAS FIR 2X4: Used for levering a vehicle upward off a hydraulic jack. TWEEZERS: A tool for removing wood splinters. PHONE: Tool for calling your neighbor to see if he has another hydraulic floor jack. SNAP-ON GASKET SCRAPER: Theoretically useful as a sandwich tool for spreading mayonnaise; used mainly for getting dog-poo off your boot. E-Z OUT BOLT AND STUD EXTRACTOR: A tool that snaps off in bolt holes and is ten times harder than any known drill bit. TIMING LIGHT: A stroboscopic instrument for illuminating grease buildup.. TWO-TON HYDRAULIC ENGINE HOIST: A handy tool for testing the tensile strength of ground straps and brake lines you may have forgotten to disconnect. CRAFTSMAN 1/2 x 16-INCH SCREWDRIVER: A large motor mount prying tool that inexplicably has an accurately machined screwdriver tip on the end without the handle. BATTERY ELECTROLYTE TESTER: A handy tool for transferring sulfuric acid from a car battery to the inside of your toolbox after determining that your battery is dead as a doornail, just as you thought. AVIATION METAL SNIPS: See hacksaw. TROUBLE LIGHT: The mechanic's own tanning booth. Sometimes called a Drop light, it is a good source of vitamin D, "the sunshine vitamin", which is not otherwise found under vehicles at night. Health benefits aside, its' main purpose is to consume 40-watt light bulbs at about the same rate that 105-mm Howitzer shells might be used during, say, the first few hours of the Battles of the Bulge. More often dark than light, its name is some-what misleading. PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER: Normally used to stab the lids of old-style paper-and-tin oil cans and splash oil on your shirt; can also be used, as name implies, to round off Phillips screw heads. AIR COMPRESSOR: A machine that takes energy produced in a coal-burning power plant 200 miles away and transforms it into compressed air that travels by hose to a pneumatic impact wrench that grips rusty bolts last tightened 50 years ago by someone in Meridian, and rounds them off. PRY BAR: A tool used to crumple the metal surrounding that clip or bracket you needed to remove in order to replace a 50¢ part. HOSE CUTTER: A tool used to cut hoses 1/2 " too short. Die grinder: See hacksaw. Channels energy from the crooked, random motion of air molecules to the crooked, random motion of a cutoff wheel. Good for cutting a slot in the sheet metal adjacent to the bolt head you were trying to cut a slot in because the vise grips made a mess of things and you wanted to give the bfs a chance. JB WELD: The vise grips of adhesive. Good for epoxying the part you repaired the crack in to the bench. Attemped removal will result in breaking the part in half, leaving one half of it adhered to the bench. ps- I stole this from the offroad.com swb jeep board
Revenge of the Jeep gods
Once upon a time, in a city not too far from you, a young man named
Burford bought a Jeep. Burford was very happy with his Jeep, but, being
from the city, he felt that something was missing. Something cool,
something to help him pick up chicks. He gazed at his Jeep, glorious
with its hard lines and earth tones. "Ahhh" he said, "if only it were a
little brighter, flashier. Then I could get all the babes I want."
Burford pondered and puzzled and thought until smoke curled from his
ears. But nothing came to him. Suddenly, there in the grocery store
parking lot, he saw a low rider. It had high gloss paint, a very noisy
stereo, chrome trim everywhere and beautiful bikini clad bimbos laying
all over the car (turns out it was a photo layout for Low Rider
Magazine, but of course, blinded by the high gloss chrome and bimbos,
Burford failed to see the cameras).
"That's it" he shouted, "Chrome!"
Burford hurried home and pulled out all his Jeep related catalogs. He
pored over them, but could find no Chrome accessories. "How odd" he
thought. "Well, no matter. I'll just send some stuff out to the local
plating shop." Burford took the parts to the nearest plating shop. When
the owner saw that they were Jeep parts, he refused to chrome them.
"Look son. I'll powder coat them, I'll black anodize them, but I won't
chrome those parts. It's a sin, plain and simple".
Burford went to many plating shops, but the result was the same. Metal
platers everywhere refused to deal with him, the more superstitious even
warding him off with hex signs and prayers. Finally, in a run down,
scary part of town, he saw a sign for plating services on a dilapidated
old garage. The owner was a gnarled little man, with a rheumy eye and a
hunch back. "So, ya wants chrome, does ya? I'll do it, but it will cost
big." All Burford could think of were the bikini clad bimbos. He ignored
all the warnings and rumors and handed over his money to the odd little
man. While the parts were out being chromed, Burford buffed out his Jeep
until it shone like the sun itself. He also installed a wicked 250 amp
27 channel ear busting stereo system.
Well, the big day arrived. The parts were done! Burford hurried to the
plating shop and collected his parts. And what parts they were. Bumpers
and rims and hood hardware and tool box and tow hooks and hubs and lug
nuts and roll bar and wiper arms, all in glorious, gleaming chrome. He
rushed home and began working on re-installing all his wonderful chrome
The work was all done and nothing was left but to go for a ride. Burford
climbed into his gleaming, chrome covered Jeep and headed for the mall.
"This is it" he thought, "babe city, here I come." As Burford headed
towards the mall, he came upon a small tree, just a sapling really,
down, blocking the road. Cars ahead were detouring around it. He looked,
and decided, "hey, it's a Jeep. I'll just crawl right over." Burford
pulled forward and touched the sapling with his tire. As we all know,
when the front tire of any Jeep touches dirt, sand, rock, grass, wood or
any material other than asphalt or concrete, the Jeep gods look down
upon the Jeep, ready to admire their creation and watch with pride as it
conquers the environment it was designed to conquer. So the Jeep gods
looked down on Burford's Jeep, and they were confused. "Where is our
creation, and what is all that damned noise?" The Jeep gods looked
closer and realized that it was indeed a Jeep.
They saw the well buffed paint and smiled, happy that Burford was caring
for their creation. They listened to the offensive loud music and were a
bit miffed, but, they let it pass, hey, who can judge taste in music,
one man's treasure is a Jeep god's trash, but, whatever. The Jeep gods
then saw past the blinding reflection of the sun and realized that the
source was chrome.
"It looks like a low rider" said one god. "Look at all those greasy
fingerprints" said another. "Look" said a third, "he's even done the
differentials in...(sob)...chrome." So the Jeep gods conferred and
debated and raged and wept, all the while trying to decide a proper
punishment for Burford. At last, they found a suitable penance for the
ultimate sin. They assembled in all their glory and power and carried
out their decision. As Burford's front tire touched the sapling, he felt
a shiver run through his body. His Jeep suddenly felt....different. He
stepped on the gas and......was stuck. Burford gassed it a bit more, and
then a bit more, until it was floored, and the motor was screaming, but
he moved not an inch. "How odd" Burford thought. He engaged the diff
locks and tried again. Nothing. The engine screamed in agony, the clutch
billowed noxious gasses, but the Jeep would not move.
Burford shut off the motor and climbed out to find out what tremendous
obstacle was holding him in place. He looked around, but all looked
normal. A tiny sapling lay in the road, but nothing more. Burford bent
down to look under the Jeep to see if he was missing something. As he
gazed to the front, he noticed that his springs were....tiny. In fact,
everything in the drive line was....small. Axles, pumpkins, transfer,
suspension all looked as if they had shrunk. He pulled his head back and
stood up. Burford looked closely at his Jeep. It still gleamed and
shined, but it was riding lower to the ground. He walked around it,
examining. "The grill looks different" he thought. "And what are those
stupid little flares doing on the front fenders?" The sheet metal looked
thin and the doors were kind of odd. As he rounded the back, a horrible
thought occurred to him. Yes, the tire carrier was gone. Burford looked
closer and then let out a shriek "oh, what have I done, what have I
done?" he sobbed. There on the back were four terrible letters, burned
into the flimsy sheet metal.
And that, children, is how the Jeep gods created the RAV4 .......
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The story of the Candy Cane
"It had to be special to be a gift for the King of Kings", thought the humble candy maker. Not just any piece of candy would do!
It had to be hard candy because the Church is built on the Solid Rock and God's promises are a firm foundation.
It would be formed in the shape of the Good Shepherd's staff.. a "J" that would also stand for the precious name of Jesus.
Its white stripes would symbolize the virgin birth and sinless nature of Christ.
Its small red stripes would represent the scourging Jesus suffered on His way to the cross.
Its large red stripe would remind those with eyes to see and ears to hear of the blood Jesus shed as payment for our sins.
"It would be a gift of love that would tell His story,
the greatest story ever told."
Here Is A Candy Cane For You!
Have A Wonderful Holiday Season!!